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  • 14/01/2025 4:48 PM | Anonymous

    We are pleased to announce a new partnership with Arnhem Pet Products who produce some of the best kibble available on the market today.

    Some fantastic discounts are available to GOTBA members for Taste of the Wild, Diamond Naturals and Pro89 high quality kibbles.

    Members have been sent the brochure with pricing, so if you're interested in this offer and are not a current member please call or email us for details. 

  • 14/01/2025 4:40 PM | Anonymous

    Please see attached 2024 President's Report

    2024 AGM Presidents Report - final.pdf

  • 14/10/2022 9:24 PM | Anonymous

    GOTBA Vic's annual general meeting will be held on Sunday 6 November 2022, from 6pm at Sandown GRC 

    Details of how to attend are in the attached notice - 2022 Notice of AGM.pdf  

    We encourage as members as possible to attend.

    A Treasurer's Report and President's Report will be presented, and committee elections will occur.  Details on eligibility and how to nominate are also in the attached notice.

    An email has been sent to members, and a reminder will be sent approximately one week before the AGM.

    GOTBA Vic Committee

  • 05/01/2022 10:00 PM | Anonymous

    Over the last few years it has been my pleasure to act as President of a volunteer organisation with a genuine interest and care for people, and a willingness to agitate for fairer, better treatment. Much has been achieved, though there is always more that can be. 

    Without GOTBA action, the Code of Practice for the Keeping of Racing Greyhounds would be unmanageable in its requirements, infrastructure would not be top of mind and, critically, Victoria would have fallen even further behind on basic economic fairness to those that work outside of GRV.

    Challenges remain: getting at least 50% of GRV income returned to participants and seeing a new administration at GRV – which remains necessary - that acts like participants are central to the sport’s success and, frankly, can be trusted to do what it says.

    I firmly believe that any organisation – volunteer or not - must periodically change leadership and refresh to keep achieving its goals.

    In 2022, Greg Doyle will be President of GOTBA Vic.

    He is an outstanding leader in the industry and was a hugely significant player as Vice President in all recent GOTBA activities, including the 2021 industry action. He is deeply aware of all key issues and needs.  I will remain active as Vice President.

    Remember that the Greyhound Owners Trainers Breeders Association of Victoria Inc is your opportunity to speak as one on issues that matter to you in Victorian greyhound racing.  It is absolutely critical that participants continue to act together towards common goals – do not let yourselves be divided or distracted, as GOTBA Vic continues to fight for your interests.

    I wish all of you the best in 2022.

    Lynton Hogan

    Greyhound Owners Trainers and Breeders Association of Victoria Inc

  • 07/11/2021 10:52 AM | Anonymous

    GOTBA Vic's annual general meeting will be held on Sunday 28 November 2021, from 6pm at Sandown GRC (subject to COVID restrictions) and online.

    Details of how to attend are in the attached notice - Notice AGM 2021 GOTBA.pdf  

    We would appreciate members who are intending to attend in person telling our secretary this ahead of 28 November.  We encourage as members as possible to attend.

    A Treasurer's Report and President's Report (latter on the momentous year just gone and matters to follow) will be presented, and committee elections - up to 4 positions - will occur.  Details on eligibility and how to nominate are also in the attached notice.

    An email will be sent to members today (7 Nov), and a reminder will be sent approximately one week before the AGM.

    GOTBA Vic Committee

  • 19/09/2021 5:27 PM | Anonymous

    This week Greyhound Racing Victoria increased Victorian greyhound racing prizemoney by $5.3m, to pay $63.5m in the year to 30 June 2022.  Any increase is good, so well done.  A step, though more are needed, is better than none.

    Whatever else may be said this would not have occurred without your and our sustained action.  We know this.  You do too.  GOTBA Vic’s preference, based on what you told us, was for an unplaced fee, in addition to increases at Level 2 and Level 1.  An unplaced fee is of wider benefit.  It ought come very soon in a high cost environment.

    We need to make clear a few points about prizemoney going forward though. 

    In the year to 30 June 2021, GRV had record income and you had record work in races to attend and dogs to care for.  You were never paid a lower % of GRV income, and had slipped to the bottom few States in per race prizemoney.  

    GRV had $20m in extra (unbudgeted) income actually earned last financial year.  Of that, as of now just the $5.3m announced this week has been committed to you.

    One might ask, still, where is the rest going, or where has it gone?  Some answers will come from GRV’s Annual Report for 20/21, when it arrives.  Watch that space.  We will be.  

    At present, betting turnover (Australia wide), and industry income this year is still COVID affected: that is, very high.   Records last year may well be bettered.  Frankly, more increases in participant returns should be expected to occur this financial year.

    What if, in the 2 years to 30 June 2022, GRV achieves income of $250m-$280m (this is possible), and returns just $115m (the figure currently projected) to you as prizemoney?

    You have EVERY RIGHT to demand that a minimum share of annual GRV income is returned to you, who provide the product and take all manner of risk

    That share should be 50%.  Minimum.  Less will be unacceptable.  It should be committed to. We are focused on that.   

    For now, on prizemoney, we watch and wait.  We will not wait long.

    PS – We will soon be re-engaged with GRV on matters of fairness and tracks, and will report on outcomes of that.

    GOTBA Vic Committee

    September 2021

  • 25/08/2021 10:25 AM | Anonymous

    Action items:  what they are, and their status (as at 21 August 2021)

    The Greyhound Owners Trainers and Breeders Association of Victoria Inc was engaged in formal mediation with Greyhound Racing Victoria over the last month or so.

    Before mediation was agreed, we asked the GRV Board to agree actions / outcomes on participant returns, participant fairness and safety.

    We proposed these because we considered them important, measurable, and capable of being done, for the long-term benefit of all participants whether large, small or in-between; whether hobby or professional.

    These action items (which are in summary form) - and where they sit after the end of the formal mediation process (as at 21 August 2021) can be viewed here - Mediation - outcomes 21.8.21.pdf

    We invite you to read and consider them, and welcome your support.


    GOTBA Vic Committee

  • 25/08/2021 10:22 AM | Anonymous

    RELEASE:   Reply to GRV Chair statement 23 August and email to participants

    GOTBA Vic briefly responds to a public statement by GRV chair Peita Duncan released 23 August 2021.    We understand that GRV sent an email containing some of what that said to participants.


    GOTBA Vic did not ‘walk away’ from mediation.  Its term ended without agreement: nothing of any substance from GRV willed us to extend it further. 

    It is fascinating that GRV refers to using best efforts to reach a constructive outcome.  We did not see evidence of that.   

    If GRV wants to press that point, be radically transparent:  allow GOTBA Vic to release details of what actually occurred during mediation.   That would not turn out well for GRV.

    We’re happy to engage with GRV – but not in the manner we just have.


    With GRV, it’s what is not said that is important. 

    GRV’s Chair says the total prizemoney pool increased $12m since the start of the last financial year; that Victoria pays more prizemoney in total than other jurisdictions.

    Not said: GRV has increased the size of the racing program since the start of the last financial year.   Not said: Victoria pays the most prizemoney overall only because it runs the most races by some margin.   Not said:  Victorian participants do the most work and take the most financial risk to earn that amount.  Not said:   Victoria also spends by far – by  a mile - the most on administration and other costs, with no noticeable size efficiencies.   

    In our view, nor is Victoria 2nd in average prizemoney per race, contrary to what GRV’s Chair suggests. 

    We end with this. 

    A March 2017 report released by GRV – The Size and Scope Of The Victorian Greyhound Racing Industry stated that in 2015/16 alone participants spent $72m breeding and training greyhounds. 

    A fair estimate of annual participant investment now in Victoria is $100m per year:  bigger industry, onerous Code of Practice commenced, and various other cost increases have been imposed.   In 2019, 79% of members surveyed said their costs had increased at least 15% (average around 30%) from 2017 alone.   

    Meat feed costs– in the last year– have increased 25-40%.

    Into this, last year, GRV paid less of its income than it EVER had to help participants meet those costs.  Of $20m of over budget income last financial year, during a pandemic, it has paid none to participants.

    That’s how much it shows it cares.     If you want this to change, you’ll have to change it with us.

    Lynton Hogan, President  - Greyhound Owners Trainers and Breeders Association of Victoria, Inc

    23 August 2021

  • 16/07/2021 12:00 PM | Anonymous

    After the announcement of Day of Action 2.0, otherwise occurring 22 July 2021, GOTBA Vic has been approached by the Office of Racing with a mediation proposal.

    The mediation proposal has been accepted – a mediation expected to be up to 4 weeks will occur with GRV with the assistance of an independent mediator.

    Our issues are familiar to you.  Members have received detail earlier in the week of precise matters, and the original call to action for 3 July is on this website. 

    As a sign of the good faith in entering into this mediation, we believe that Day of Action 2.0 should be PAUSED

    So, please nominate for Shepparton, Warrnambool, Warragul and Sandown 22 July 2021.

    While mediation lasts, our comment on what is occurring in or around it will be limited.  

    But be under no illusion, we remain 100% committed to real resolution and achieving what we all see as necessary, long-lasting change.

    You will be promptly informed of outcomes from mediation and any next steps.

    We remain humbled by the level of continuing support for collective participant progress and action – hold it - and we keep that firmly in our mind going into and coming out of any mediation.

    A joint GRV - GOTBA Vic statement on mediation occurring is at this link - GOTBA GRV joint statement.pdf

    Lynton Hogan

    President – Greyhound Owners Trainers and Breeders Association of Victoria Inc

  • 14/07/2021 12:56 PM | Anonymous

    In June 2021, we called and you responded magnificently to a call for action on 3 July 2021 - GOTBA Victoria - CALL TO ACTION - SAFE RACING, FAIR TREATMENT, FAIR PAY - 3 July 2021

    Members will have received an email today about developments since then.  Further action is needed unless there are significant developments.

    So, 22 July 2021.  Day of Action 2.0.

    Act together, get change!!!!

    Make GRV listen and act

    What we are asking YOU as a participant

    On Thursday 22nd July 2021 do not nominate your dogs to race for Shep (1/2 stake), Wgul (T3), Wbool (L2) Sdwn (L1).

    Encourage others to do the same

    On 3 July 2021, you made Victorian racing history with Day of Action 1. 

    Change must happen on returns, participant fairness and safety.  We took YOUR issues to the GRV chief executive and Board.  GRV administration and the Board have not yet acted. 

    Many have called for a Day of Action 2.0 to show your lack of confidence in GRV and give required change an even bigger push.  We agree.

    The key issues remain…


    but it is clear GRV has ongoing cultural issues where participants are aggressively put last.  That must stop. Make it.  If this requires immediate GRV management and board change to achieve, so be it.

    On returns, did you know that in the year to 30 June 2021 GRV had $21 million more income than budgeted? 

    That it returned NONE of that to participants, and paid the lowest % of its income to you this century?

    A guaranteed 50% minimum return to participants would have resulted in more than $11m extra having been paid to you for 20-21.


    Minimum commitments to change in writing, because the time for talk, buck passing and pushing off into the future is well gone.  Our demands in each of the key issues areas are public – see our website. 

    Please feel free to contact any of the committee members for any questions you might have and please follow the GOTBA Vic Facebook page for updates.  Act together, get change!

    Committee - GOTBA Vic

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