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  • 16/11/2016 4:19 PM | Anonymous

    Thank you to those members who attended the AGM on November 6th.  We hope that you found the Q&A session worthwhile.  Feel free to send us an email with feedback on the AGM & QA session.

    The new Executive Committee are as follows:

    • President: Sandra Reed
    • Vice Presidents: Robert Britton & Lynton Hogan
    • Treasurer: Leeanne Crawford

    Gayle Osbourne is continuing as Honarary Secretary.

  • 18/10/2016 11:33 AM | Anonymous

    GOTBA wrote a submission on the draft Guidelines that the State Government released for public comment last month.

    Highlights of the submission include:

    • reduction in proposed setbacks for slip tracks and competitive yards
    • request for allowed greyhound numbers of 5 dogs per acre
    • request that setbacks in the Guidelines override any setbacks in individual zones
    • request for protection for existing facilities
    The full submission is available for download from the Members Section of the website.
  • 06/09/2016 5:08 PM | Anonymous

    Outgoing GRNSW CEO published some controversial comments on his blog last week regarding the Greyhound Racing Industry in NSW as well as other States. GOTBA Victoria cannot let his comments go unchallenged and have written a response refuting some of his more inflammatory statements.

    Click on the link to download and read GOTBA's Statement in full.

    GOTBA responds to P Newson.pdf

  • 02/09/2016 2:04 PM | Anonymous

    The Department of Environment, Land, Planning & Water have released proposed Statewide Planning Provisions for Greyhound Facilities for public comment.  Submissions on the proposed changes can be made up until 5pm Friday October 7th, 2016.

    This is your opportunity to have your say on the future of Greyhound Racing in Victoria!

  • 20/08/2016 2:16 PM | Anonymous

    GOTBA's own John Reid was awarded the 2015/2016 Ken Carr Medal for his outstanding administration service to the Victorian Greyhound Racing Industry.  Over more than 20 years, John has held positions on the following Committees:

    • GOTBA Committee
    • Helping Hand Fund
    • Responsible Breeding TaskForce
    • Greyhound Owners Breeders Incentive Scheme (GOBIS)
    Congratulations John from the GOTBA Committee
  • 15/08/2016 2:38 PM | Anonymous

    The AFGBOTA have issued a media release on the announced closure of Greyhound Racing in NSW.  Click the link below to download.


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