A training package for the National Greyhound Racing Industry is currently under review by Skills Impact on behalf of the Racing Industry Reference Committee (made up of State racing Boards and others).
This training package will set competency skills standards and qualifications for use by the Greyhound Industry which will provide 2 levels of qualifications.
Despite the initial Case for Change outlining GOTBA (along with the NSW GBOTA) being members on the Training Advisory Committee, charged with reviewing and drafting the new training package, neither Association were appointed. On reviewing the member list, it seems that Vets and Administrators make up the bulk of this Committee. Click on the link to read the Case for Change BUS-Skills-Impact-Business-Case-Greyhounds.pdf
We have only just discovered that the first draft has already been released for feedback. The Training Advisory Committee meet next week to review the feedback and update the draft for release to the public for comment, towards the end of March, before being finalised some time in May. Needless to say all of the State Owner Trainer Breeder Associations are angry that they have been excluded from the review & drafting Committee.
GOTBA strongly encourages ALL greyhound owners, trainers, breeders and interested parties to visit the Skills Impact website and register your interest in the project. By doing so you will be on the contact list for proposed workshops be advised when the next draft is released for comment.
It is vital that experienced greyhound people have a say on the content of our training package before it is finalised. Visit the Skills Impact website to register your interest in the project.