Local Rule Changes - Syndications - Release and GOTBA Vic's submission

10/12/2018 9:28 AM | Anonymous

GOTBA Vic has today made a submission on GRV's latest proposed local rule changes, which principally relate to changes around syndication rules.

That submission is here - GOTBA Vic - Submission - Syndications - 10 Dec 2018.pdf.  

We have spoken to many members on this.  Overall, we support the syndication rule changes, in the expectation that they will be fairly administered in a way that supports growth in participation via syndicate participation.  We explain why for participants in this separate note - Release - Syndications - 10 Dec.pdf

In that separate note we also state our position on promotion of the National Greyhound Draft.

GOTBA Vic notes for completeness that one of our committee members is a syndicator and is involved with the National Greyhound Draft.  That committee member has had no decision-making input into GOTBA Vic's position on this issue.

Lynton Hogan 

GOTBA Vic President

10 December 2018

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